In January, we posted 31 daily beauty tips on our Facebook page; it’s never too late to start your skincare resolutions!
DAY 1: Establish a regular skincare routine – stick to it! Now is the perfect time to start a good routine for your skin. Unsure where to start? Skin NV can help you find the best products and treatments for your skin type!
DAY 2: Take a Probiotic every day! Probiotics are essential for food digestion. They help your body absorb minerals and eliminate toxins.They also have anti-inflammatory qualities that help Acne, Psoriasis and Rosacea. Studies also show that by taking a daily dose of quality probiotics you can avoid colds and help help high cholesterol!
DAY 3: Give your lips some love! First, include your lips when using a gentle exfoliating scrub such as Lifeline at night. Then apply a super moisturizing lip treatment (we like Image Organic Lip). Don’t forget your lips when it comes to sunscreen! Studies show that this is one of the prime areas for skin cancers to develop. There are now beautiful lip glosses with physical blaock sunscreen in them. Skin NV carries Color Science and they fly off the shelves!
DAY 4: Drink more water! Remember, you start each day with that 8oz, 8 glass minimum requirement. Then, you must add a glass for every cup of coffee, (or other caffeinated drink), every soda and every alcoholic drink. So, if you drink 2 cups of coffee in the morning, have one diet soda at lunch and 2 glasses of wine in the evening, you are up to 12 glasses of water instead of 8. Makes you think, doesn’t it?
DAY 5: Make an appointment for a product check up! Just like your favorite shampoo or your “tried and true” work-out routine that stops working, your skincare products may need a tune-up as well! Make sure you are using products that are appropriate for your age. The moisturizer that worked for you at 27 may not be doing the trick at 47. If you feel you aren’t getting the results you want, or feel like you need a boost, schedule a FREE consult with one of our practitioners. Bring in everything you are currently using (yes, everything!) The brand doesn’t matter, as much as the ingredients do!
DAY 6: Keep It Clean! When is the last time you cleaned your cell phone? If one side of your face gets more breakouts than the other, your cellphone may be to blame. That little device is a bacteria magnet!
DAY 7: Exfoliate regularly. Babies get new skin every 14 days. As we get, ahem, more experienced in life, that turnover time increases.Therefore, we need to “help” that process along. Forget harsh scrubs that can damage delicate capillaries. We need products and procedures that can turnover cells in a gentle yet dramatic way. Send dead skins cells packing! Ask your SKIN NV practitioner what products would work for your skin type to keep the exfoliation process going without overdoing it.
DAY 8: Dry Brush from head to toe! Dry Brushing your skin before you shower or bathe has many benefits. Besides smoother glowing skin, it stimulates your lymphatic system to help remove toxins and waste that can make you sick. It increases your circulation and can reduce cellulite. Always brush towards the heart. Skin NV has dry brushes for $5.00 along with detailed instructions for use. Its an easy and inexpensive way to increase your skins health and look.
DAY 9: BOTOX Cosmetic is the best bang for your buck if you are in your 30’s dealing with some stubborn, annoying fine lines. It will smooth and erase current lines, and will keep new lines from appearing if you keep up with it every 3-4 months. Sign up for Brilliant Distinctions to get points and earn coupons for your next treatments!
DAY 10: Find your bliss! Find what de-stresses you and do more of it! It impacts your immune system, cortisol levels and the health of your skin.
DAY 11: If you look in the mirror and notice uneven skin with blotchy red patches, schedule an IPL treatment. It will immediately reduce redness remove brown spots and even out your skin tone.
DAY 12: Wear make-up that allows your skin to breathe, like Oxygenetix Foundation. Beautiful coverage for all skin types. Acne Formulation with 2% Salicylic acid now available.
DAY 13: Micropeels & Dermaplaning! For maintenance between deeper peels, schedule a micropeel with a dermaplane. There’s no peeling and your skin will feel smooth and exfoliated. Our brides schedule these right before their weddings!
DAY 14: It’s all about the EYEBROWS! You really don’t realize what a difference your eyebrows make to your overall look. They “frame” the face and highlight your eyes. We encourage you to check out the before and after album the next time you visit us at Skin NV!
DAY 15: Fix those droopy earlobes! Did you know that by putting a small amount of filler in your lobes you can wear the earrings you want again? It works great!
DAY 16: Eat your way to gorgeous skin! Hydrate your skin, choosing Vitamin E-rich foods like broccoli, nuts, sunflower seeds, olives and spinach. Vitamin E is also believed to help reduce sun damage. Vitamin C can also help with collagen production and protect against sun damage, so stock up on kiwis, strawberries, oranges and even bell peppers.
DAY 17: Get your beauty sleep – certain neurotransmitters that help to keep you young, like growth hormone and serotonin, are released in the brain while you sleep, so make sure you are getting at least 7-8 hours EVERY night. Additional benefit: It will keep the “bags” away, too!
DAY 18: Fill up on healthy fats, your skin will love you for it – like salmon, sardines, walnuts, flaxseeds and soybeans.
DAY 19: Get in the habit of wearing sunscreen on your chest and hands DAILY! Your décolleté and hands are extremely delicate and vulnerable areas. Women will spend thousands of dollars on their face and totally forget about their chest and hands. People, these are the two areas that show aging first! We have a wide array of sunscreens to choose from – Colorscience Sunforgettable is one of our favorites!

DAY 20: Stop Picking! Although it sometimes feels like instant gratification, picking only leads to more inflammation and the spreading of bacteria. The inflammation then leads to hyperpigmentation which may take a laser to fix. Save yourself money and self-loathing by breaking the picking habit. Your skin will thank you for it.
DAY 21: Don’t Neglect Your Neck! Make sure you are caring for your neck the same way you are your face. Cleanse, moisturize and exfoliate! Want to tighten and tone your neck? Talk to us about our Reaction ReLift Neck Tightening treatment!
DAY 22: Moisturize before you snooze! Skin loses hydration while you sleep, so don’t skip your night cream. We love Lifeline Recovery Night Cream!
Day 23: Take Care of your hands! Make sure you are using soap and anti-bacterial products that have moisturizer in them. Don’t forget to use sunscreen on your hands, too. Like your face, your hands are exposed and need coverage. As you get older, you may notice more age spots and skin starting to thin on your hands – ask us how we can rejuvenate your hands using fillers like Radiesse!
DAY 24: Shorten Your Shower! A hot, steamy shower can leave your mind peaceful but your body parched. Moisturize with products high in cocoa or shea butter within minutes of getting out of the shower to seal the moisture – especially when you are in colder climates.
DAY 25: Reach for Retinol! Retinol is a form of Vitamin A that works to exfoliate your skin and keep pores clear and is used for both acne and wrinkles. Retinols repair skin damage and can help rejuvenate skin and reduce the appearance of fine lines. Products such as Vivatia Retinol and prescription Tretinoin are two of our favorites!
DAY 26: Nothing to Frown About! If you’re starting to notice lines around your mouth that start at the corner of your nose and extend downwards, those are nasolabial folds, which, if not addressed, may worsen with time. Hylauronic acid fillers like Juvéderm XC and Restylane are best for filling in these lines, especially among women in their late 20s, 30s and early 40s. These products can smooth lines and add volume to the cheek area – turning that frown upside down and giving a refreshed and youthful appearance!
DAY 27: Love your Lashes! They say that your eyes are the window to your soul – they forgot to mention that eyelashes are equally as important! There are many ways to enhance or grow your own eyelashes! Either using Latisse (that naturally grows your own eyelashes) or by getting our Lavish Lashes eyelash extensions.And, we offer both!

DAY 28: Say Bye-Bye to Bags! Are you noticing dark circles or actual bags under your eyes that you have never noticed before? Aside from using eye creams, like our latest product Priyana MD VersaLift, you can also use dermal fillers like Belotero in the tear trough area to help fill the area in and help smooth the skin surrounding your eyes. Our very own Kaisa Marshall had this procedure – look what a difference it made!
DAY 29: Body Conscious No More! Was one of your resolutions to work out everyday and eat better? And yet, you still have unwanted saggy skin, fat deposits and cellulite even though you are doing everything right? There is something you can do about it. It’s called Reaction and we offer this treatment at Skin NV! Reaction is a safe, non-invasive way to reduce cellulite and extra body folds, break down fatty deposits, lessen the effects of aging and tighten loose, saggy skin. This cosmetic treatment not only helps shrink bulky and/or loose underarm skin, it also reduces cellulite in the lower buttocks and outer thighs and tightens loose skin on your legs.
DAY 30: Say Ahhh..Whether it’s a facial, massage, a pedicure, or your Botox injections, be sure to pamper yourself! Your health and appearance are positively influenced by keeping your emotional and mental well-being relaxed and happy (and studies say that Botox can aid with depression!) Slow down and make time for you!
DAY 31: Hopefully you have enjoyed our 31 daily tips!
What will YOU do differently this year to make sure you are the Best You Ever?