Tampa Restylane Silk Injections
Introducing Restylane Silk, the only FDA approved product that specifically targets wrinkles around the lips, and is designed to bring confidence back to your smile.
Restylane Silk offers the perfect solution for those who are concerned about age lines, creases and puckers around their lips. Its unique formula is created to address even the finest of wrinkles surrounding the mouth, and to bring natural fullness back to the lips. It’s a quick, painless treatment, and doesn’t involve any recovery time.
What is Restylane Silk?
Restylane Silk is made up of an organic gel containing hyaluronic acid, which is a type of sugar found naturally in your body. It’s injected into the area around the lips, and once inside the body, the molecules get to work, drawing in water and plumping out even stubborn lines and wrinkles, creating a smoother, more youthful appearance. It’s one of the most effective, easy ways to achieve a perfect, ageless pout in a matter of minutes.
Restylane Silk differs from other Restylane products currently available, as it uses smoother, smaller particles, which makes it ideally suited to the lip area.
How Long Will it Take and What Results Can You Expect?
The length of the treatment depends on how many injections you require, and you’ll be able to return to normal life as soon as the procedure is complete. On average, treatments take anywhere between a few minutes to half an hour. In terms of results, the ultrafine needle, combined with the smaller particles, work together to create a very soft, natural look. You’re likely to notice a difference in your appearance immediately after the treatment. Call Skin NV at 813.839.4141 and talk to one of our professionals to see how you can achieve beautifully full and youthful lips today with our Tampa Restylane Silk treatments today! View all of our cosmetic dermal fillers here.